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Minor repairs are typically included in the cost of gutter cleaning.

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Question: Minor repairs are typically included in the cost of gutter cleaning.
Top Answer (52% of 82 votes): False.

Answer: Not sure
Explanation: It depends if it has to be replace, it might cost. If just need a screw or two and need to be reattach will do that included with pricing
Loyalty Gutters
Answer: False
Explanation: Some gutter cleaners include minor gutter repairs in the price, and others don't. We at Shasta Gutter, while we will do minor repairs upon request, do not automatically include the cost of any needed repairs we may find in the original quote, because that would require us to charge much more for services that our customers may not even need. We personally feel best about offering that service on an individual basis as needed.
Shasta Gutter Cleaning and Guards
Answer: True
Explanation: Minor repairs can be done with little time and usually at no extra charge.
Amazing 20/20 Services
Answer: False
Explanation: Gutter cleaning and gutter repairs are two different services. Although it might not be much more gutter cleaning is always separate from gutter repairs.
Inviso Services
Answer: False
Explanation: Not everybody will do it, but personally if i have to put a screw back, i will do it at not cost.
Moreira's Service
Answer: True
Explanation: All of our Clean, Seal, Reinforce jobs include all repairs to your gutter system
Allstate Seamless Gutter, LLC
Answer: True
Explanation: Minor repairs include a slipping downspout, a gutter holder that has become misaligned, or a loose fastener that can be re-tightened in under 30 seconds. However, large portions of gutter separated from the structure, pieces of spouting that are completely detached, or any issue with the roof or structure are NOT included in the cost of cleaning and should be addressed by a specialist.
Odd Jobs
Answer: True
Explanation: Small repairs such as fixing a few loose hangers or gutter spikes are included
Pristine Residential Services
Answer: False
Explanation: Repairs can go hidden until you have a gutter clean to better see if something needs resealed or is loose
Willison Seamless Gutters LLC
Answer: True
Explanation: Resealing corners and endcaps are necessary to avoid leaks.
R&B Dripless Gutters
Answer: False
Explanation: At All Gutter Pros we will do minor repairs when doing a cleaning (such as tightening or adding screws to something that is sagging). Although we have seen in the industry that repair costs are usually separate from cleaning costs even for small items. However - cleanings are usually included with the cost of installing leaf protection or something similar to that type of project across the board.
All Gutter Pros / 4 Corners Contracting, LLC
Answer: True
Explanation: Some minor repairs are included in a gutter cleaning. After we do the gutter cleaning we will inspect the gutter system to see if anything is needed and inform the homeowner of potential problems. If they are just minor issues, we provide the repairs free of charge. If it requires materials, an additional charge may apply.
Ace Seamless Rain Gutters
Answer: False
Explanation: Standard price for gutter cleaning is just to clean the gutters additional pricing will be added if repairs are needed
Cincy Sealcoating Plus
Answer: False
Explanation: Typically repairs are not included in the cost of gutter cleaning. If it is something very minor and simple such as applying caulk over a small gap or hole, it can be done on the spot for a small extra charge.
Clearly Better Properties
Answer: True
Explanation: Sometimes Sealer It's Too Old So Putting New Sealer Will Make Them Last Longer.
Castillo Seamless Gutters
Answer: True
Explanation: good for business
Answer: True
Explanation: Some caulking, some screw tightening, not an issue
Lechler Gutters
Answer: False
Explanation: Minor repairs such as a loose gutter nail are generally included in the price of gutter cleaning. More extensive repairs can be estimated and scheduled in addition to the cleaning. We always let our customers know if we notice problems with the gutters that might be of concern.
Answer: True
Explanation: when we clean gutters we will also make minor repairs that are needed such and re-sloping gutters, sealing corners and end caps that are leaking, replacing bent hangers....ect.
Scott's Seamless Gutters
Answer: False
Explanation: If it is not discussed before hand, then after an inspection of the gutter system is conducted and problems are detected, possible solutions are then discussed.
Michael Schlichting Jr
Answer: False
Explanation: Not usually unless it is something real minor and no extra supplies are needed.
Metroplex Gutter Cleaning
Answer: False
Explanation: Not unless priced that way.
Roofing By McCallister
Answer: True
Explanation: For me they are.
Alaska Premier Gutters
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: Depends on the nature of the small repair.
AAA Seamless Gutters LLC
Answer: False
Explanation: Every home is different, typically if its just a zip screw needed then there wont be a charge but most repairs can be taken care of at a low cost since we are already there
Gibson Gutters Inc
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: with us they are. always best to ask
Rowland Exterior Solutions
Answer: True
Explanation: Minor repairs can be included.
Lang Gutters & Covers LLC
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